The Big Green Monster
By Saskia Ackerson Kiely age 9
One day, long long ago, there was a girl named Annabelle Agony. She was 11 years old and she lived in Ko Samui Thailand with her 4 sisters Avia (11) Fuchsia (24) Xena (11) & Tara (2) and 2 brothers Jess (1) & Fox (12).
It all started one day when Annabelle was playing outside on the beach with Xena and Tara. “Look a sea turtle!” exclaimed Xena. “Wow,” said Annabelle sarcastically. They always saw sea turtles. “Tome hewe wittle tutle,” said Tara. Annabelle reached for her sisters chubby pink hands and held them there for a really long time. She thought about last summer and how her best friend had died from a stroke. She remembered the sound her friend Trisha made, those low mumbles after the stroke--low mumbles saying: “Follow your heart always even when you think not remember me always.” She thought and thought until she felt big tears roll down her pale cheeks and heard her Xena asking ,“What is wrong”? “Trisha,” Annabelle choked. “Oh, get over it.” Xena replied. Annabelle squeezed Tara’s hand tighter. Now she was furious, she felt her skin flail on fire. “Trisha was like family to me. Why don’t you make good friends like I do? Why do you have to always have to hang out with me and my friends now that Trisha’s dead ? Huh?” “I loved her so much!” Annabelle bellowed in Xena’s face.
“Annabelle, calm down.” she heard Fucshia’s sweet voice chime in. She had not realized Fuchsia was there. She looked back at Fuchsia and standing behind her on the winding porch of their tall cozy beach house were all of Annabelle’s siblings. They had all come out with all the commotion. “Anne” Jess waddled up to her and plopped on the sand beside her .Fuchsia handed him a little surf board he pointed to it that meant he wanted Annabelle to play in the water with him. “Just a sec, Jess” said Annabelle. She unlatched her hand with Tara’s and picked her up and carried her inside.
When they got inside Annabelle dropped Tara on the couch and went to search for her surfboard and bathing suit. She walked down the hallway looking out all the windows on the way to her bedroom. When she got to her bedroom she plopped on her bed and stared out her six foot 1 inch window. The warm air blew her long, snarly blond hair. Outside she saw a baby elephant. She loved elephants so much--she always went to play with them, and wanted to adopt one, but Fuchsia always said NO. Fuchsia never understood anything. She always tried to act like Annabelle’s mother ,but she could never fill those shoes.
Annabelle pulled on her swimsuit and walked back down the hallway to get Tara. “Come on Tara,” she said. She held Tara’s hand while the baby stumbled after Annabelle’s long strides. When they got to the beach Annabelle handed Tara over to her twin Avia and then she and Xena ran through the buggy jungle. When they got to another part of the beach they slowly approached the little elephant. She was one of the many elephants they had named. “Jinga come here” Xena said , while tenderly she stroked the elephants fuzzy back “Don’t do that Xena, she is acting very strange” Annabelle commanded. It was true--Jinga kept shaking and breathing weird a lot. They looked around but they did not see anything so decided to leave. They did not want Fuchsia to get angry with them for not telling where they were.
When they got back Fox was the only one outside. He was just gazing at the sunset with a lost look in his eyes. “Hey Fox ,where is everyone”? Xena asked. “Inside eating dinner,” he replied in a gruff voice. When they walked back inside everybody was around the dinner table eating vegetables. “Eeww.” Annabelle waved at the food with one hand while the other pinched her nose tightly. “Funny” said Tara. “Where were you two”? asked Fuchsia. Annabelle told them about Jinga and how she was acting scared but they didn’t know why. Fuchsia & Avia just kept shaking their heads. So they just sat down and picked at there food.
The door burst open and Fox came running inside looking like a overripe plum, his sandy red hair stuck to his neck and forehead with sweat. Not far behind him was a fifteen foot long saltwater crocodile. “To camp” Fuchsia said frantically as she scooped up Jess. “Fox you get Tara.” Fox knelt down and the two year old hopped on his back. They all started to run--Fuchsia, Jess, Fox and Tara in the front and Avia, Xena and Annabelle in the back. Annabelle whispered something to Xena and she nodded. They started to slow down and when everybody got ahead of them they turned toward the forest, headed straight for the patch where they had found Jinga. When they arrived sure enough Jinga was there, except this time she was laying on her side there was blood everywhere, stuck to her fuzzy hairs. She was breathing slower and slower and slower. They needed to get her back to camp so the doctor could help her heal, so they picked her up and started on their way. They had not come far when they came to a sudden halt behind a tree. About ten feet away from them was the same huge crocodile they had seen at the house, and even worse it was with its baby. Xena snapped a branch and the green monsters head flew up, its eyes narrowed and it slowly moved in their direction. Annabelle had a idea-- “lets climb a tree,” she managed to choke out in a whisper .“Good idea” Xena whispered back.
They slowly made there way up the winding tree. Jinga was around Annabelle’s shoulders. When they got to some sturdy branches they stopped and tried not to look down. When they did look down the crocodile looked like it was not there anymore. “Phew!” said Annabelle with a huge smile across her face. She started to climb down the tree. When she reached the bottom she walked around a little bit. Just when she was sure the crocodile was gone, it jumped out at her and bit her leg. She fell back and started to yell , gripping her leg tightly. As she felt her leg flare she tried to get up but just fell again. She just lay on the ground when she heard “Annabelle” “Annabelle” “Annabelle,” start to fade away and she fell asleep.
When she awoke she was in her bed at home with all of her sisters looking mad and worried. Tara was laying beside her on one side and Jess on the other. “Thank goodness you’re awake,” Fuchsia said in her honey sweet voice. “Where is Jinga”? Annabelle asked. “She is at camp,” Xena replied. “If you want we can adopt an elephant,” said Fuchsia. A huge grin spread across Annabelle’s face. “Go get her crutches, Avia” said Fuchsia. And so they did adopt an elephant. They adopted Jinga.
To Be Continued.
Chadness Tip #2=Cutlery Gets Lonely Too.
While not an actual safety issue, lonely cutlery does add to the deep dark depressing world that pretty much will swallow you whole if you don't listen to my tips people. You can add cheer to your life by ALWAYS setting each place with at least 2 pieces of cutlery. Its the least you can do if you can't do much.
Best poem to read to your cabbage before you dig in.
Hi people. This is Annabelle Agony. I am reading a very special poem by Allison Titus to my cabbage. Reading this poem to the cabbage makes it so I don't have as bad of gas when I eat it. Gas makes me sad. Very Very sad.
Miss Trik's Monologue
Miss Trik comes out when I am playing. Here is a video of me unwinding after a long day of forth grade boringness. Enjoy, people. Weep not for me. Love, Annabelle Agony
Miss Trik,
Safety Tip # 1=Never Play with Eagle Claws when you are Falling off a Chair.
This is the first installment of safety tips from Chad. Chad used to work for Lockheed Martin but now he is a journalist for People magazine. Chad is a twelve year old prodigy. His interests include cars, fashion and safety. His assistant is Annabelle Agony. Ms. Agony is the 9 year old front woman for The Blonde Sorrows. When her album sells she won't have to be anybody's assistant. Annabelle likes to play the piano, dance and pick flowers. Don't try this at home, people. Just don't.
Annabelle Agony,
Blonde Sorrows,
eagle talon injury,
Losing and Eye,
Melancholy Husky.
Our dog Pipaluk Pearl is always weeping.
Welcome, People.

I want chocolate milk but I don't want to say it, actually.
How I feel about blogging: that I should interest you in my sorrow. I'm greedy for popularity and popular for my greed. I'm ashamed to have said that.
I am going to go think about what I've said. In my room alone. In my elbow. The tears.
Welcome to our obnoxious blog of restless sadness and childhood.
Tinder (10) & Saskia (9)
Blonde Sorrows,
Nine and Ten Year Olds,
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